
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Cultural Performance.

On Wednesday the 12th of April Ako Nagtahi did a show for all our Mum's and Dad's. It was about Cultural Dances. The Year 5 girls and boys did the Samoan Sasa. The Sasa is about everyday life and is done by everyone. and the Year 6 and 4 girls did the Ti Rakau and the Year 6 and 4 boys did the Maori Super Haka. 

When we did the Sasa I felt very nervous but when we had finished I felt proud of myself.

The Sasa

The Maori Super Haka

The Ti Rakau


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  3. Hi Mikalya, I love your post it blowed my warm socks off and I love the way that you post pictures so they know what we wore. Next time you should post the videos if you can find them. did you think it was fun because I did ?


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