
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Cloud Made Of More...

The Cloud Made Of More...

Hi guys! In writing we had to write a story about a cloud that was made of more. I tried my best to make it a perfect story but it was hard. There is a link to the video that we watched for inspiration (it is a beer ad)! I have also included some pictures that I have created!

Here is the slide that I made for my story: 


  1. Hi Mikayla. i think that your story was amazing because I have watched the video and i could not see anything ronge and i didn't see a mistake with it next time you do some awesome writing i think you should make it a bit bigger so that it is easier to read.

  2. Hi Mikayla,I think that your writing is the best. But next time you should make your words bit bigger so it is easier to read. I have watched your video and I think that it is a amazing but keep up the good work Mikayla.


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