
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Memory Keys

This week we have been writing a story about a man and his piano. Here is a link to the video we watched for inspiration: Piano Video.

I hope you enjoy it:

Slow, depressing music flowed around me as my fingers flew across the piano key. My heart melted as all my memories came flooding into my head. Tears welled in my eyes as I remembered my beautiful wife, Annie, playing this piano the year before last with me. I remembered, her, kissing me on the cheek. That was before she was killed in a car crash a year later, obviously.

Another memory came shooting into my mind. It was about when I was in the war. Me and my friend, Conner Ripe, were preparing to jump out behind a wall and start attacking. When Connor jumped out he got shot in the chest. That was another very sad day for me.

I saw my little grandchild, Tom, playing with something that had once been mine. That brought back another memory, It was my tenth birthday and my mother had just given me her gift. My father handed his gift to me, it was long and thin with a blue ribbon tied around it. I opened it with building tension. It was a little horse with a wheel at the end. I had hopped on it at once. That was years before I had handed it down to Tom.

My piano brung back lots of memories, happy and sad…

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